Police Suspect Attempts to Flee Police and Crashes Car
Top rated Houston car crash lawyers are always miffed when potential suspects attempt to flee police, because it never works out well. The suspects are almost always eventually apprehended and once they are, the conditions are far worse than if they had just pulled over in the first place. Frequently, as in the instance that occurred early Tuesday morning, auto accidents occur and the suspects are injured on top of facing police charges.
The Houston police department reports that a man was suspected of firing random gunshots at several different locations earlier that night. Nobody was injured as a result of the gunshots, but when the police went to the man’s home to question him at about 3:50 a.m. Tuesday morning, he got into his car and sped away, attempting to evade the authorities.
Police found the man in Belle Park at Moonmist in the front yard of a house where he’d crashed his car. The suspect had evidently been speeding to get away from the police, despite the fact that he had a considerable lead. He lost control of his vehicle, crashed into a brick mailbox, rolled over his car and landed upside down. After being extracted from the vehicle, the suspect had to be airlifted to Memorial Hermann Hospital where he arrived in critical condition. There was a female passenger in the car who was also injured, though less severely and was taken by ground transport to a nearby hospital.
The suspect in this case will now face charges of attempting to evade police and damage to property as well as the initial charges for which the police were questioning him. Originally the suspect was just wanted for questioning, which may have turned out to be nothing, but he will certainly now face charges for at least attempting to flee police. Houston car accident attorneys would like to caution drivers that if the police are trying to get you to stop and pull over for any reason, it is always best to do so, even if you are afraid of the consequences. Even if you have done something wrong, the consequences will always be worse if you try to escape from the police.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, call Houston car accident lawyer Joe Stephens today for a free consultation. Joe Stephens is a Houston personal injury attorney with over over 30 years of experience serving the Houston and South Texas communities. Joe Stephens will expertly handle every aspect of your case on both a personal and professional level, and happily answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Alternatively, fill out a contact form online and a member of The Stephens Law Firm will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your free consultation. Contact Joe Stephens today to get the help and advice that you need.