Falling Cargo Truck Accident Lawyer in West Houston
Truck Lost Cargo Lawyer
Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. You could be driving behind a commercial truck, and all of a sudden several pieces of cargo fall in front of your vehicle.
These accidents will not only harm your vehicle and potentially trigger a tailspin but also affect all the surrounding drivers who must avoid the falling cargo.
If you or your loved one have been affected by a truck accident caused by falling cargo, then you need some of the best auto injury lawyers in West Houston to represent you. Here’s what you need to know about falling cargo truck accidents and how a lawyer in West Houston can represent you.
How Do Falling Cargo Truck Accidents Happen?
Big trucks are driven all over motorways across the United States, carrying cargo for various purposes and industries. When cargo is not secured properly or is overloaded, they are in danger of falling over. In 2019, more than 500 fatal and non-injury crashes were due to load not being properly secured on a vehicle in Texas alone.
18-wheeler trucks are heavy. These large commercial trucks carry many tons of cargo at a time and for long distances. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published an in-depth guide for shipping companies in the US to comply with. When drivers do not comply with these rules, cargo will likely fall during the journey.
The straps holding together the cargo on a truck can fail. They may not have been secured before the vehicle took off, which will cause cargo to fall off the vehicles and pose a threat to the roads by causing a truck crash.
How Do These Accidents Affect Other Drivers?
Falling cargo truck crashes cause the following dangers:
- Distractions and obstacles on the road. Falling cargo can cause other vehicles on the motorway to collide, swerve, brake abruptly and veer off course when they find an object in their way. This can cause accidents like a truck crash and could result in the deaths of drivers and passengers.
- Objects landing on other vehicles. Large objects that fall off 18-wheelers can drop on smaller vehicles right behind them, causing permanent or temporary property damage and putting people’s lives at risk. Spills from trucks carrying liquid cargo or liquefied gas may go unnoticed at first but can cause a slippery road and potential fire hazard. Many flammable substances are invisible to the naked eye and can cause truck wreck when caught on fire.
- Objects in the line of vision. Even if a big truck is carrying small cargo items, they can pose a risk of flying into the air and distracting drivers behind them or blocking their sight on the road ahead.
Call an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyers in West Houston
If you’ve been in a truck accident of this nature, you must hold the at-fault driver responsible for the damage. Joe Stephens has more than 30 years of experience in accident claims, injury compensation, and other legal matters like wrongful death, in that case, contact a great Texas negligent death attorney. The Stephens Law Firm can help you overcome the trauma of a truck wreck due to fallen cargo.
Our professional team of semi truck injury attorneys will work with you to sue the big rig driver and see that they are held responsible for your pain and legal troubles. Get in touch with The Stephens Law Firm today so we can start building your case and work towards your compensation!

West Houston Fallen Cargo Truck Accident Attorney
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