Marshall Abogado de Accidente de Coche
One of the Best Car Accident Attorneys in Marshall, Texas
Joe Stephens, abogado de lesiones personales doblemente certificado
As one of the few attorneys in Texas who is Double Board Certified in Personal Injury and Civil Trial Law, Joe Stephens is one of the most well known personal injury lawyers at the Harrison County Courthouses. Not only do the Judges know him, but so do the court personnel. He has been appointed on numerous occasions by the courts to represent minor children and advise the court if a settlement is in their best interest.
Los juicios relacionados con accidentes de vehículos de motor se consideran parte de la ley de lesiones y accidentes o de la ley de lesiones personales y se abordan en los tribunales civiles. El atropello y fuga, la conducción en estado de embriaguez y los diversos aspectos penales que surgen de los accidentes de automóviles y camiones se tratan por separado, si existen, en los tribunales penales.
Common Causes of Car Wrecks in Marshall, Texas Include:
- Exceso de velocidad
- Fallo en la señal
- Conducción temeraria, como pasar el hombro y cambiar de carril rápidamente
- Superficies de carreteras dañadas
- Conductores sin experiencia
- Mantenimiento deficiente de los vehículos
- Semáforos dañados
- Conducir bajo la influencia de las drogas o el alcohol
- Conducir peligrosamente dadas las condiciones climáticas actuales
- No obedecer los semáforos y las señales de tráfico
- Conductores distraídos
- Conductores cansados
Marshall is one of the growing areas in the state. Many new roads and communities are springing up, causing more traffic, and more accidents. Thus, injuries in Marshall are increasing. More and more, victims of injuries turn to Joe Stephens, a Texas Super Lawyer for help. Numerous car wrecks injure people in Marshall, and the rural communities nearby. Major hospitals have moved to the Marshall, Texas area in and around Marshall. With the number of crashes that happen in this area each year, the chances have increased that a citizen of Marshall will need an experienced Marshall car accident lawyer como Joe Stephens.
Drunk drivers a/k/a DWI accident cases in Marshall and Harrison County, are now said to be the number one cause of all fatalities in Harrison County. Joe Stephens has handled these cases for over 30 years with great success. He considers drunk drivers a public menace, and has tried many of these cases. He also has handled every type of motor vehicle accident, whether it be a truck accident, wrongful death case, pedestrian accident, or motorcycle accident. He has handled all kinds of injuries, including car and truck accident cases that happen.
Common Types of Car Accidents in Marshall:
- Colisión frontal
- Atropello y fuga
- Fender Bender
- Accidente de bajo impacto
- Accidente a baja velocidad
- Accidente de peatón involucrado
- Golpe de lado
- Impacto lateral
- Accidente en la parte trasera
- Accidente de vuelco
- Accidente de T-Bone
- Accidente de camión comercial
Will the Stephens Law Firm Take Any Marshall Auto Accident Case?
Unlike many big firm injury attorneys, Joe Stephens personally reviews all cases that we receive; however, we are not a large law firm and he is not able to help all of the people who ask for his help. If your car accident injuries are severe enough to warrant a reasonable settlement, and if Mr. Stephens feels confident that he can win your case, then he will offer to sign your case. If Mr. Stephens feels he is unable to represent you for any reason, but believes that you may have a valid case, he will gladly refer you to one of the many attorneys he knows that are a better fit for your particular situation.
As one of the best auto accident law firms in MarshallEl bufete de Joe puede ayudarle a obtener una compensación por sus pérdidas, incluidos los gastos médicos pasados y futuros, los salarios perdidos, el dolor y el sufrimiento, la angustia mental y el tormento emocional, el deterioro físico y la pérdida de servicios domésticos.
Contact our office and we will send you one of his FREE BOOKS and GUIDES. If you decide to hire him, he works on a contingency basis, meaning you pay a percentage out of your recovery. If there is no recovery, there is no cost or fee, no strings attached if you call, or if you request the books. Both the phone consultation and the BOOK are FREE. Click here for directions to our Marshall personal injury law offices.
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