Abogado de accidente de coche de conductor ebrio de Katy
Drunk Driver Car Wreck Lawyers in Katy, Texas
Of all the causes of car accidents, none is more preventable than drunk driving. It is all too common to browse the morning paper or switch on the evening news on TV and be confronted with the news that another young life had been lost to the recklessness of a drunk driver. What makes such situations worse is that they can change families forever even when they could have been avoided if the driver had made better choices.

Joe Stephens tiene experiencia cuando se trata de accidentes causados por un conductor que estaba bajo la influencia del alcohol. Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido herido o ha muerto a causa de un conductor ebrio, Joe Stephens luchará para que recibas la indemnización que mereces por ese inexcusable accidente.No representaremos a los infractores por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol. Sólo representamos a las víctimas que fueron heridas por un conductor en estado de embriaguez.
We have represented dozens of victims across Texas that were injured by drunk drivers and we know how to win these cases.

Joe Stephens Represents Drunk Driving Accident Victims in Katy
Want to find out what your rights are and whether you have a personal injury claim? Want justice and compensation for your injuries? Want to stop this from happening to someone else? Call Katy car accident attorney Joe Stephens. He will talk to you about your claim and let you know where to start. That one call could be priceless.
We provide aggressive representation and legal guidance to persons who seek justice after they or their loved ones have become victims of drunk driving accidents. In addition to persons that decide to drive while high on drugs or alcohol, our highly skilled and experienced Katy personal injury attorneys will go after any person that played a role in a fatal car accident or a drunk driving injury.
Estadísticas de demandas por lesiones del Texas DWI
Los días festivos más asociados con los accidentes relacionados con el alcohol en Texas
Después de haber tenido un accidente con un conductor que conducía bajo la influencia (DUI), entendemos que usted querría curarse física y mentalmente del trauma de sus lesiones. Si bien deseamos sinceramente que se recupere rápida y completamente para que pueda volver a vivir su vida, sabemos por experiencia que los conductores ebrios que no son llevados ante la justicia terminan causando peores accidentes. Las personas que beben y conducen no pueden evitar conducir de forma errática, lo que significa que usted puede sufrir más dolor cuando inevitablemente se encuentre con estos conductores.
Las compañías de seguros son muy conscientes de que las víctimas podrían obtener una mejor compensación en los casos de conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol si contratan a abogados especializados en accidentes de conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol. Como tal, harán cualquier cosa para tratar de resolver la demanda de accidente de coche fuera de la corte pagándole menos de lo que merece antes de contratar un abogado.
File a Drunk Driver Injury Claim in Katy Texas
If you have lost a loved one or suffered an injury from a drunk driving accident, we have highly skilled auto accident lawyers in Katy, TX that will go all out fighting to get you the just compensation that you deserve. Our car accident attorneys will file a claim for your damages including medical bills, pain and suffering, property damage, and future medical care when needed. We provide DUI accident legal services in Katy and anywhere in Texas, and will stand by your side until you get justice.